Thank you for your interest in the Belton Family Foundation.
Grant proposals should address one of the areas of the foundation’s focus. Grants are between $5,000 – $30,000 per year. The foundation prefers to develop relationships before granting larger donations or multi-year funding. We are willing to evaluate multi-year grants depending on the impact and expected outcome of the initiative, and a report is expected to be submitted during in between years.
Geographic scope: The foundation prefers to support organizations that are based in Minnesota and Colorado communities.
Letters of Intent are received February 1 – April 1 through the online portal below. If your proposal is deemed a good fit, a representative of the Foundation will reach out by May 31 with application instructions. (Note: if you are a returning organization requesting funding for the same project, an impact report will be required in lieu of a full application.) The application is due between July 1 – August 31. Formal notification of funding status will be no later than November 26. Funds will be distributed by December 31. An Impact Report will be required for any donation that is more than $20,000 and is due six months after the December check distribution (i.e., no later than June 30th following the application year).
The BELTON FAMILY FOUNDATION predominately funds entities that are classified by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations (501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code). We consider funding through a fiscal agent on a case-by-case basis.
The Foundation does not accept proposals to fund individuals, government agencies, for-profit business, special events or conferences, or endowments. We do not support labor organizations, lobbying, or political campaigns.